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Showing posts from June, 2017

Aliases and selecting from a select

Rarely do you need select from a select statement. Occasionally this pops up with complex PIVOTs and UNPIVOTs. The tip when doing this is (in MSSQL) is the "table" select statement needs to be aliased. For example, the following statement will not work: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM blah )  However, the following statement will work: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM blah ) x

Get a list of Field Names and Data Types for a MSSQL table

Use this type of SQL to generate a listing of field names and properties for an MSSQL table USE //Your Database Name// SELECT c .object_id , c .column_id , c .name , , c .[max_length] , c .[ precision ] , c .[ scale ] FROM sys.all_columns c JOIN sys.tables t ON c .object_id = t.object_id JOIN sys.types types ON c .user_type_id = types.user_type_id WHERE = '//Your Table Name//'