- The mysqldump command line program does this for you - although the docs are very unclear about this.
- One thing to note is that ~/output/dir has to be writable by the user that owns mysqld. On Mac OS X:
sudo chown -R _mysqld:_mysqld ~/output/dir mysqldump --user=dbuser --password --tab=~/output/dir dbname
- After running the above, you will have one tablename.sql file containing each table's schema create table statement) and tablename.txt file containing the data.
- If you want a dump with schema only, add the --no-data flag:
mysqldump --user=dbuser --password --no-data --tab=~/output/dir dbname
I renewed a https cert today in Windows and had problems with the new Cert sticking in Windows It would add fine, without error, but would disappear when the IIS Server Certificates screen would refresh. Open the Certificates in MMC (Local Machine) and inspecting the Web Hosting gave a clue, the new certificate was there, but with a key - the private key was missing. Could be because the original certificate was created on a completely different machine and imported to this new server. At any rate, a simple certutil command fixed it . A tip I received from SSL disappears from the certificate list on Windows server - SSL Certificates - Namecheap.com Key steps are: Double-click the certificate and go to Details tab. In certificate details locate the Serial Number field, click on it and copy its value. Open Command Prompt, pressing Win+R and typing cmd , then click OK In the command prompt type: ...
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