The underscore character, when
used with the LIKE operator, matches any single character.
When using wildcards as
literals, you need to square bracket the character, like '%[_]%[_]%[_]%'
Turns out that _ is a single character wildcard, so '%_%_%_%' matched the word ‘All’. Three 3 mandatory characters surrounded by any optional characters
% is a zero or more character wildcard.
To help me limit the noise with the huge dataset, I employed a simple pattern match to bucket out returned rows. I was more interested in the classifications and
the broad relationships between the rows.
I used something like
CASE WHEN [Offering] LIKE '%_%_%_%' THEN 'XXX999_209999_X_X'
My expectation was a field like 'AAA999_201600_A_B' would appear
as 'XXX999_209999_X_X',
and it did.
But, it also changed 3 digit character entries like 'All' to 'XXX999_209999_X_X'.
Turns out that _ is a single character wildcard, so '%_%_%_%' matched the word ‘All’. Three 3 mandatory characters surrounded by any optional characters
% is a zero or more character wildcard.
To get the query to work as I intended, I needed to escape
the underscore square brackets,
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